Wednesday, May 26, 2010

From Noblest Profession to No-Bless profession

Not all professions are noble but the one having the honor of being noble is slowly and steadily loosing its purity. Yes, a few might have guessed it as well, I am talking about Doctors.

How much can you rate you child’s/parent’s/sibling’s life for? You won’t be able to even think of such a thing and probably hate me for asking such an abstruse question. But there are a few people, considered Gods on earth, who do that. Yes I am talking about the health specialist or a high ranked doctor. Not all doctors belong to the same species but the one’s who do are one of the major players in the field. I don’t understand how far it is justified to ask for money even for a slightest of examination of for just looking at a patient. Medical science promises people a disease free happy life. It is a quail to even think of a medical protocol because of the associated complexities and extremely high bills

Does that mean a doctor should forget about the earnings and become a social worker and work for free? No, he is also a human and has his/her own desires and family to take care of. Like all others he tries to go for self-actualization and attain maximum possible status.

It’s a kind of trade-off between being noble and having stature. Being in a non-medical profession it’s easy to look at the story from our side, but ever wondered what’s the doctors say on this? Is he doing this willingly and does he like the anathema from so many people and still do it? Many unanswered questions.

Ever thought of what is the exact cause of this set tradition. It is the higher hospital management which is driving this kind of a convoluted culture. All he (read management) thinks of is money pride and the stars the hospital gets. They set targets for the doctors like in a call center, they coercively mendacity, to call up patients and ensnare them in enumerable medical protocols and necessitate a plethora of medical tests and reports. No-body dares to ignore a doctor’s call on a disease as it is his/her life we are talking about. The management isn’t running a hospital but is mentoring money making machine which rates life in terms of money and power. Hospitals are more available to those with either a strong financial background or those with medical cover. “A person without any of these isn’t eligible for cure and deserves to die” is the only ideology, the management apparently believes in. An appeal for some help and support invites a curt reply, they are least penitent about. Is this justified? Was medical science developed to be a money making shortcut for these insensitive management(s)?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Support and Motivation

“ A word of encouragement during an effort is worth more than an hour of praise after success ”

Before I even started writing the posts for my blog, my friends gave me words of motivation and encouragement, welcoming me to Blogosphere . I would like to thank all those who encouraged me and helped me in providing my thoughts a platform. I will not take direct names here, but I am sure the above referred people will understand it. It was, in fact, this gesture of my friends which inspired me to write about it and acknowledge them.

When you are about to do something new, you have a proclivity for thousands of thoughts which blaze through your mind and nerves which suddenly come alive, and you suddenly feel an adrenaline rush through your veins. A word of motivation here acts as an aid to calm you down and pump in some confidence. Being jejune to this field, I was dreading the comments and reactions from the readers, after I wrote the first post yesterday. It was a transient phase that was contained by the motivational words from my mates and I was again on the apogee.

P.S. I was in an extreme dilemma of whether to write it or not but the support was worth mentioning and an implicit motive.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hello all...

It has been 4 years now since i started my active internet life but never thought of Blogging. To me it was taxing affair. But now after having experienced a complete college life with a plethora of stress elements and personal/professional ups and downs, i felt the need of sharing it.
The name derives its origin from all the reverberating thoughts concealed within my brain and accompanying me everywhere. This is the place where i will park them.